報警號Alarm NO | 信息狀態State information | 排 除 方 法Methods |
1001 | 機床緊急停止 Emergency stop | 排查急停故障后,釋放急停開關,報警解除 Remove emergency switch after emergency troubleshooting |
1003 | 計數器計數到達Counter count complete | 工件計數到達設定值,按計數器上的復位鍵,再按系統RESET鍵解除報警 Press the RESET button on the counter and then press the system RESET button to cancel the alarm |
1007 | 電機過載保護 Motor overload protection | 檢查電機過載保護開關,并排查對應電機的過載原因,故障隱患排查完畢后,合上過載保護開關,報警將解除Check the motor overload protection switch and check the overload cause of the corresponding motor. After the troubleshooting is completed the overload protection switch is closed and the alarm will be relieved |
1008 | 卡盤未夾緊 chuck is not clamped | 確認夾緊卡盤,報警將解除Confirm clamping chuck, alarm will be relieved |
1009 | 回零報警Back to zero alarm | 進行回零操作Go back to zero operation |
1019 | 刀具壽命到達End of tool life | 請更換刀具并清除刀具計數,按系統RESET鍵解除報警Replace the cutter and clear the tool count. Press the system RESET button to cancel the alarm |
2016 | 潤滑油位低Low lubricating oil level | 添加潤滑油Add lubricating oil |
2044 | 進給倍率為零The feed rate is zero | 轉動進給倍率開關,使倍率大于零,報警解除Rotate the feed rate switch to make the multiplier greater than zero and the alarm is relieved |